Wondering what to buy for twins? Are you pregnant with twins or buying for someone who is? You’ll want to see the posts below regarding what we actually used two of for our twins and what we found we only needed one of, or didn’t need at all!
Twin Registry Quick Reference
Click here if you want to see the list of items with links to products without delving deeper into the explanation of why we picked and used what we did.
What to Buy for Twins & Twin Mama!
From where and how to make a baby registry, things that will keep pregnant twin mama relatively comfortable, and what twin babies actually need is all below!
When I was pregnant with twins, we already had a 1 year old boy so we kept most of his baby stuff but of course, many things we needed to get another one of since we’d soon have two babies at once!
You don’t have to break the bank with buying two of everything and there are a lot of things you likely will be able to find second hand through moms of multiples Facebook groups near you for a fraction of the price or free.

We found that an Amazon Baby Registry was ideal when registering for gifts for our twins. You can get free things, discounts, and can add from any site, not just Amazon.

There were things that I needed during my twin pregnancy that I never needed during my singleton pregnancy. There are other things that were the same in both pregnancies, here I explain my top 10 favorites. Twin mamas need all the help and comfort they can get!

Are you afraid that you’ll need two diaper bags for twins?! Don’t worry, you won’t! I used just one diaper bag for my twins AND my 2 year old. I still love it to this day, years later! I’ll also share our favorite diaper pail, an easy way to make diaper changes less messy, and our favorite diapers.

Leaving the house with twins can be a daunting task, especially when you’re not sure what you need to pack in a diaper bag for twins. Below is everything we packed in a diaper bag for our twins and I never felt unprepared.

Wondering what you’ll need for twin babies in terms of sleep? Here I’ll explain the items we used. Note: it isn’t safe to have twin babies in the same crib, they need to have their own space. I include our favorite white noise machine, safe sleep guidelines, and baby monitor!

Whether you’re breastfeeding your twins, exclusively pumping for your twins, a combination of breastfeeding and pumping, or using formula, here is what you’ll need. From my favorite breast pumps to high chairs, nursing pillow to burp cloths, I go over it all in this blog post.

When looking for the best cribs for twins, there are many factors to consider including how much space you have, cost, and how long they’ll last you. Keep in mind each twin needs their own crib. I also include our favorite bassinets and why we didn’t choose a twin bassinet.

Whether you’re making a quick trip to the store with your twin babies, running to medical appointments, or just heading to the park, here is what you’ll need including a double stroller, infant car seats when they’re babies and convertible car seats as they grow. Twin baby gear is a hot thing to ask for when it comes to baby shower gifts!

Bath time with twins is similar to what you’d need with a single baby except that you’ll need to decide if you want to bathe them together or separately. This may change by the day.

Once twin babies start noticing each other and playing near and with each other it is the cutest thing!! Here are some great toys for helping them along in that process.

Safety is always important for babies, especially when you have two of them because it’s harder to always keep your eye on them! Here are my top 10 safety products for the home!

Wondering what your twin babies will need for clothing? Here are my top 10 twin baby clothing essentials and checklist!

Having twins isn’t cheap and there are many things that you don’t need for twins, or any babies really. Below I’ll detail what you don’t need for twins and why.

Do you want to buy a twin mom some fun twin mom shirts or other gear? Are you about to be a twin mom and want some shirts for yourself? Click through and see my online store where I’ve picked the comfiest t-shirts I could find and put fun designs on them!

Looking for gift ideas for twin babies and older kids, plus for adults? Click through to see things that my kids have loved over the years and gift suggestions for parents and others as well!
More Twin Pages, Posts, and Fun!
Click the images below to view more twin specific content from all about twin pregnancy to the first year with twins, what to expect and tips to help you!

As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.