Welcome to The Way it Really Is, the twin mom blog where moms are empowered through honest personal experiences, practical tips, and helpful printables to make life easier.
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- 10+ Things You Don’t Need For TwinsHaving twins isn’t cheap and there are many things that you don’t need for twins, or any babies really. Below I’ll detail what you don’t need for twins and why.
- Dairy Free Breastfeeding Diet Made EasyLearning that your baby is reacting to dairy when you’re a breastfeeding mom is a lot to handle. If you have to start a dairy free breastfeeding diet, I’m here to help, and make it easy!
- A Comprehensive Guide of What to Buy for TwinsWondering what to buy for twins? Are you pregnant with twins or buying for someone who is? You’ll want to see the posts below regarding what we actually used two of for our twins and what we found we only needed one of, or didn’t need at all!
- 10 Years Sober: What I’ve Learned and How Far I’ve ComeAre you wondering how to get and stay sober? Once I hit 10 years sober I felt I’d got this down pretty well and want to share with you how I got sober, what I’ve learned, and how I’ve stayed sober for so long.
- How to Have a Sober St. Patrick’s Day You’ll Enjoy and RememberAre you sober and are wondering how to have a sober St. Patrick’s Day? Here are some tips on how I’ve stayed sober over the years, some fun sober St. Patty’s activities you can do, craft ideas for the kids, and the actual history of St. Patrick and his day.
- Boost Social Skills with Preschool Books About SharingAre you having a hard time getting your kids to share? Sharing is a difficult topic for children, here are some books about sharing that helped my three boys learn how to share.
- We’ve Been Still COVIDing for 5 Years and CountingWe’re Still COVIDing 5 years later and we’re not alone. As I reflect on the past five years since the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world, I think of the good that it has done for our family as well as the bad and our plans moving forward.
- 10+ Fun Outdoor Toddler Activities They’ll LoveI’ve found that having the right outdoor toddler activities at home can lead to hours of fun so us busy toddler parents can sit for a while! Here are our favorite outdoor activities for my twins and singleton when they were toddlers and beyond.
- The Disappointment of Mother’s Day That Many Mothers FeelThe disappointment of Mother’s Day is a real thing. Mother’s Day is all about celebrating moms but for many, it falls flat. This can lead to disappointment, resentment, and feeling like all hard work we do isn’t appreciated.
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As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.