6 twin baby essentials for playing and learning together

6 Gifts for Twin Babies for Playing and Learning Together

Are you looking to buy gifts for twin babies? Especially the bigger things that are essential during that first year? Here are some of our twins’ favorite things when they were babies and that we feel were surely worth getting.

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Gifts for Twin Babies

Often it’s hard to know whether or not to buy two of everything, here are the things that we got two of for our twins and things we just needed one of. We already had one of some things from our oldest child, but some of the bigger stuff we had gotten rid of since we had a smaller house at the time.

Things such as swings we didn’t bother with since our oldest didn’t like baby swings and they take up so much room, especially if they’re not going to be used. Other families though really love swings, so it’s really up to you.

This is just the beginning of my gifts for babies posts, I have subsequent posts for several years of your kids’ lives.

First, Create an Amazon Baby Registry!

Before you go further, if you haven’t yet, create a baby registry on Amazon first. That way, as you’re going through this post and others, you can easily just add things to your registry that you’d like with the click of a button!

how and why to create an amazon baby registry
How and Why to Create an Amazon Baby Registry

Play Mat / Gym

We had the Fisher-Price Rainforest Music & Lights Playmat / Gym for our oldest child and he loved it. It also was big enough for our twins to be able to share it during tummy time. They enjoyed looking at each other while trying to hold their little heads up! I think they did better with tummy time being on the same mat because they could see each other. We did have another mat as well but didn’t use it much, we liked this one.

As you can see in the photos below, all 3 of our kids enjoyed this gym together when the twins were babies.


Our twins were in their bouncers A LOT. Maybe more than they should have been. They even napped in their bouncers sometimes and also were fed bottles of milk sometimes in their bouncers if we weren’t around the Table for Two. These are great for using at home as well as bringing when visiting family. We would bring these everywhere with us and the twins would be in them for naps or whenever they weren’t being held at a family event.

These would be great gifts for twin babies as they’re a huge help to parents of twins and something that my twins really enjoyed.

Boppy Head Supports

These aren’t a necessity but I thought I’d explain. The things they are laying on that is cradling their heads are Boppy Noggin Nets Head Supports that we got them because they both had a bit of a flat spot on their heads. With twins, it’s hard to hold them as often as I would if I had just one newborn so they were in their bouncers more often.

Also, one of my twins was head down WAY down in my pelvis for at least 6 weeks leading up to their birth so he developed quite the flat spot in utero. We had hoped that these pillows would help but he did end up needing a helmet for a few months. The other twin was fine though as he was mainly feet down and head up when he was in my tummy.

These used to be available but turns out Boppy doesn’t sell them anymore, I wonder if people were using them incorrectly, including for sleep, and they became a hazard. Either way, they don’t seem to be available anymore but I wanted to explain what my boys were resting on.

Sit Me Ups

These are awesome for once your twins are able to hold their heads up. This helped take some pressure off the back of their heads and enabled them to actually look at each other more easily! The Sit Me Ups also collapse to be flat which is awesome for travel. After they grew out of the bouncers we soon took these everywhere with us. They were great for outside or inside and excellent for travel to see friends and family.


Jumpers are essential once babies are big enough for them. Our twins would actually have jump-offs once they got old enough where they’d see who could jump the fastest. Haha! They were still quite young so couldn’t talk but we knew what was going on.

We had two different jumpers so they had options. We were afraid at first that they’d fight over them but surprisingly that didn’t happen, they both liked both jumpers and we would switch off who had which one so they got plenty of variety.

Our all-time favorite is the Baby Einstein Jumper. We had one of these for our singleton but sold it when he no longer used it because we had such a small house at the time. We bought a used one for the twins and I literally picked it up on the way to our new house when we were moving. Haha! I was so excited!! We actually got all of our jumpers used, which I’d highly recommend because they are not cheap. They do fold up nicely for storage if you do want to keep them for future children or stow them away when company comes.

With the jumper they not only are able to work their adorable chubby leg muscles by jumping but there are also many activities they can take part in. The actual seat can swivel all of the way around so they can access four different play areas. We also hung some toys from the top padded part for extra fun, including a mirror. Our eldest used to just stare at the mirror when he was a baby. It was so cute. I’m sure it was the first time he saw himself but he was just in awe of himself. (He’s in the first picture)

The second jumper we got for the twins was a Jumperoo which you can see in the second picture one of our twins is in and one is crawling under him. Goofy boys! This one jumped higher than the other one, which was fun. There were different pros to both but like I said, having two is awesome if you have space and two different ones provide variety.

Portable Play Yard

When our twins were born our oldest was 2 years old and LOVED being outside. He’s 5 now and still loves being outside! We knew we needed a solution for keeping the twins entertained yet contained at the same time. I really didn’t want them eating grass or other random things they found on the ground. This pop-up play yard is perfect! It has a cover that can go over it to shade the twins but still lets us see them. It folds up much like a camping chair into a small bag that is easy to carry over one’s shoulder. We used this a lot and took it to many places.

BIG Play Yard

If you’re looking for a bigger play yard that isn’t as portable for your living room, kitchen, etc. I’ve heard great things from other twin mamas about this one!

Need more toy ideas? Check out my posts below by clicking on the pictures!

fun toys for babies for learning and play text with a picture of my twins as babies playing with a shape sorter toy
Fun Toys for Babies for Learning & Play
6 easy toy organization ideas to tame the toy chaos! words with picture of child stacking toys.
6 Easy Toy Organization Ideas

6 twin baby essentials for playing and learning together text with picture of my twins as babies smiling together.

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As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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