Twin Baby Essentials for Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, and Beyond text with image of me bottle feeding my twins.

Twin Baby Essentials for Feeding Twins: Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, and Beyond

Everything you need for feeding twins whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and beyond. From nursing pillows, bottles, pumps, cleaning supplies, and what to do when it comes to solids, I’ve got it all here!

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First, Create an Amazon Baby Registry!

Before you go further, if you haven’t yet, create a baby registry on Amazon first. That way, as you’re going through this post and others, you can easily just add things to your registry that you’d like with the click of a button!

how and why to create an amazon baby registry
How and Why to Create an Amazon Baby Registry

My Brest Friend Twin Nursing Pillow

When I had my first child via emergency c-section after 27 hours of induced labor at 41 weeks and 1 day along I quickly found out that a Boppy didn’t work well for breastfeeding. In the hospital they had me use a Brest Friend pillow which was perfect for post-C-section because I was able to snap it around my waist and keep baby, and the pillow, off of my C-section incision.

Since I knew I’d be having a repeat C-section with the twins, we bought the Twin Brest Friend nursing pillow so I could nurse them at the same time. It didn’t end up working out since they couldn’t latch well due to their tongue and lip ties, so I only used it a couple of times, but it was great and I would still recommend it. It is massive though, just a heads up.

Burp Cloths

Babies dribble and even spit up A LOT especially as newborns. Having several burp cloths really helps out. This set is so soft, absorbent, and cute! They have various designs as well.


We looked at a lot of different bottles before we decided on the Philips Avent Naturals for our first child, and continued to use them for our twins. There are just three parts to clean: the bottle, the ring, and the nipple, which is a lot fewer than some bottles. Of course if you use the cap there is that too but not a biggie.

I referenced these bottles in my Breastfeeding for One and Exclusively Pumping for Twins post as well. Since I ended up exclusively pumping for the twins, we had 8-12 bottles, if I remember right. Once the twins switched to formula at 8 months, we used the larger 9oz bottles which we just had 6 of. There are many different sizes of nipples for these as well. We only used the premie ones at first, then size 1 (which comes with the 4oz bottles) and for formula size 2 (which come with the 9oz bottles). With our first child we bought size 3 and 4 as well but never used them with any of our children.

Bin to Wash Bottles

We washed our baby bottles in the bin they gave us at the hospital to keep them away from our kitchen sink. I’m sure it’s fine to wash them in the kitchen sink but somewhere along the way I think we were told to wash them in a separate bin, so we did. It also was helpful to be able to just fill up that smaller bin with super hot water and dish soap to wash them and then pour that water into the regular sink to do the rest of the dishes once we were done with the bottles. It was also nice to have this bin next to the sink in which we could just toss the dirty bottles into before they were to be washed. If you didn’t get one of these at the hospital, here is a link to one but honestly there are some cool collapsable ones out there too. We just used what we had.

McKesson Wash Basin, Plastic, Rectangle, 7 qt, 1 Count
 Price: $ 10.26 ($ 10.26 / Count) Buy now at Amazon

Bottle Drying Rack

To dry the bottles we have the Boon drying rack with flower and twig that work very well for hanging bottle nipples and rings off of. I have to say, I didn’t know this existed until a friend of mine from grad school had a baby shower and had this on her list. I thought it was kinda weird but also neat so I bought it for her. Years later when I was pregnant, we got the same one and love it.

Bottle Cleaning Brush

A bottle cleaning brush really helps getting into the bottles and ensuring they are well cleaned. This brush has a mini brush inside of it for washing the bottle nipples and a second head/bigger brush that can screw on when it needs to be replaced. This one is very similar to what we have but even better! One of the best parts of it as it stands up on it’s own due to the suction cup bottom so it doesn’t take up space on your sink or get dirty laying there.

Munchkin® Bristle™ Bottle Brush, Grey
List Price: $ 5.79 You Save: $ 0.80 (-14%)  Price: $ 4.99 Buy now at Amazon

Breast Pump

As I mentioned in my post about breastfeeding and pumping, I’ve had experience with a Spectra pump and Medela pumps. I prefer Medela pumps, by far.

If you can, I’d suggest seeing if you can take home a Hospital-Grade Medela Symphony for free through insurance if one or both of your twins are in the NICU. Once they’re out of the NICU, you likely will need to either return it at the end of the month or pay something like $90/month to rent it. Honestly, it might be worth it especially if you’re having trouble producing enough for twins.

Otherwise, I’ve found the Medela Pump-in-Style Advanced to be my favorite for on-the-go and once my milk was established.

Medela Breast Pump, Pump in Style with MaxFlow, Electric Breastpump, Closed System, Portable
List Price: $ 202.99 You Save: $ 10.00 (-5%)  Price: $ 149.99 Buy now at Amazon

Hands Free Pumping Bra

I highly suggest getting a hands-free pumping bra. This makes it so you don’t have to sit there holding the flanges perfectly still for the 15-20 minutes it takes to pump. It means you can instead use that time while pumping to tend to babies, if needed, or to heaven forbid, take a minute for yourself and scroll through social media. Often, I’d be pumping while sitting on the floor and my twins were in their bouncers or table for two and I’d be holding their bottles feeding them the milk I had pumped earlier.

I’m using a hands-free pumping bra in this photo just a week postpartum when we finally got Baby A home from the hospital to join the rest of us.

my husband holding one twin while I pump wearing a pumping bra with the other twin in my lap

Table for Two

The Table for Two is meant for feeding twin babies. I wanted to breastfeed but ended up having to exclusively pump because my twins had tongue and lip ties which made it painful to breastfeed and they weren’t able to attach to me well enough to get milk out. Once they were finally diagnosed with tongue and lip ties when they were about 2 months old and had them revised, they didn’t really have any interest in nursing so I continued to pump.

The Table for Two is perfect for feeding babies bottles, whether they are bottles of formula or breastmilk. There are even two little cup holders! We have twin boys but we were given this Table for Two from another twin mama who had boy/girl twins so it had pink and blue cushions. Many different colors are available though. As you can see below, sometimes they even slept in it after eating but we wouldn’t leave them unattended or let them sleep in it longer than a nap. A super cute bonus of the Table for Two is they started holding hands!!!

Table for Two is giving a special 10% discount to my readers! Enter THEWAY10 at checkout for 10% off!!


Our twins were in their bouncers A LOT. Maybe more than they should have been. They even napped in their bouncers sometimes and also were fed bottles of milk sometimes in their bouncers if we weren’t around the Table for Two. These are great for using at home as well as bringing when visiting family. We would bring these everywhere with us and the twins would be in them for naps or whenever they weren’t being held at a family event. Even better is they’d often doze off after drinking bottles and take a nap in their bouncers while supervised so we didn’t have to worry about taking them to their bassinets for nap.

bouncer feeding
Feeding a twin while in a bouncer
bouncers play
Bouncer for Playtime Too!

Two Boppy Pillows

Many twin parents get the twin Boppy, known as the Twin Z, but we opted for two separate ones, partially due to cost. Two Boppies are easy to find at garage sales or other moms but the Twin Z pillow is about $100 and hard to find used. Often moms use this for breastfeeding as well but I didn’t have the best “luck” with using a Boppy for breastfeeding my singleton since I had a c-section, so I had a different idea for that anyway.

Two Boppy Pillows work really well for tummy time, bottle feedings as they get a bit older, and general lounging around. Our oldest child didn’t want to give up “his” Boppy so we actually ended up getting two more so they all had one. It ended up being pretty cute in the end when they’d all lounge on their Boppies together.

You can also stack two Boppies together to help babies sit up with some assistance. It’s fun for some adapted tummy time to have them facing each other as well. Mine really got a kick out of this.

Note: It appears that some of the Boppy pillows and covers are sold separately. Keep this in mind when purchasing.

As you can see from the pictures above, there are many different styles of covers for the Boppies.

High Chair

Once you’re ready to feed your babies solids, you’ll want a high chair. We loved one like this so much for our first child that we got two more when we had our twins. This one is actually even more versatile than ours as you can not only use it as a high chair and booster seat but also as a backless booster! These are great for feeding twin babies!

Graco DuoDiner DLX 6-in-1 Highchair, Mathis
List Price: $ 149.99 You Save: $ 10.02 (-7%)  Price: $ 139.97 Buy now at Amazon

Dishes Set

Once your twins are old enough for solid foods, it’s a good idea to get them their own dishes and silverware. We love this set of silverware, cups, bowls, and plates for our kids. They’re durable, won’t break, and come in fun colors.

Sleeved Bib

We’ve tried a lot of different bibs along the years but continue to love this sleeved one. All three of our boys have used these for years. There are many different styles to choose from. We also use this bib for craft time, especially painting!

This sizing says for 6-24 months but to be honest, my almost 4 year old twins still wear theirs, as does my 6-year-old. Plan on this lasting for YEARS!!

Breastfeeding & Pumping Posts

what I learned from breastfeeding and pumping that will help you today text overlay over a woman breastfeeding
weaning from pumping or breastfeeding the safe way

Twin Baby Essentials for Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, and Beyond text with picture of me holding both my twins as babies while bottle feeding them.
That’s me holding my twins while feeding them! Generally not how I did it but they both were crying so here we are!

Founder, Professional Blogger at  | [email protected] | Website

As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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  1. Lisa October 7, 2021

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