Are you planning a trip but not sure where to start? The Trip Planner Printable is here to help you plan your trip without overwhelm or forgetting any important details!
Why the Trip Planner Printable?
Make the most of your next trip with the Trip Planner Printable!
This trip planner includes everything you need to stay organized and make the most of your vacation. With 50 pages available for immediate download to your device you can get planning right away! This is a digital travel planner for personal use that can be used digitally on devices such as an iPad or printed out.
Don’t want to use it digitally? That’s alright! You can easily print it out on your printer or at a printer shop or library!
What’s In the Trip Planner Printable?
The trip planner printable is a 50 page digital pdf file download which includes destination information, checklists, packing lists, travel budget, booked activities, travel journal pages, daily itinerary pages, and more!
Your digital files will include a full color digital pdf file and a digital pdf file with very minimal color for printing if you’d prefer to not use color ink.
This planner is the perfect place to put all of your travel plans no matter if you’re planning a family vacation, a long weekend getaway, or a business trip. Here you can keep track of all the details of your trip in one spot and even travel experiences along the way!
50 pages including:
– Destination Information including Country Overview and Top Attractions to Visit
– Trip Planner with Travel Dates, Destination, Departure and Return Information including mode of transport, company, departure date and time, arrival date and time, and more!
– 2 Pages of Accommodations including travel dates, destination, hotel information, type of room, cost per night, check in and check out times, and more!
– 2 Pages of Packing List information by category including clothing, travel documents, gadgets, health/beauty, shoes, accessories, toiletries, snacks/food, and other.
– Carry-On Luggage Check List with some prefilled items such as your boarding pass, insurance, medication, laptop, phone, and more plus plenty of space to write your own items.
– To-Do Before the Trip List with some filled in items such as book your tickets, make hotel reservations, etc. plus a lot of space to write your own items.
– Check Before Leaving List including things like taking out the trash, activating home security system, etc. prefilled as well as plenty of room to add your own.
– 2 Pages of Booked Activities with 3 Activity Spots on Each Page with name of activity, date, time, contact info, and address
– 7 Pages/Days of Daily Activities Itinerary including Schedule, Checklists, Meals, etc.
– 5 Pages of Travel Journal with plenty of space for writing and reflection including areas for date, destination, route taken, and weather conditions.
– 7 Pages/Days of Today’s Adventure including Places Visited, Daily Activities, Food Eaten, Drinks Tried, Highlights of the Day, and New Things Learned Today
– 5 pages to add photos including date, place, and people
– Travel Budget Tracker
– 2 pages of Activity Trackers
– 2 pages of Travel Expenses Trackers
– Travel Savings Trackers
– Lined notes pages
– Unlined notes pages / blank pages
–**Note: You can always duplicate pages to make more of ones you need or print out extras!**
– 20% off Discount for your next order at my printables store!
How to Access the Trip Planner Printable
Once your purchase is confirmed, you’ll receive an email with a digital pdf file you can download to your device. You can use it on your computer or for easier annotation, you can use it on an iPad or similar tablet with an app such as iBooks, Notability, GoodNotes, and more!
When you use this instant digital download trip planner digitally, you can use it across devices if you have them synced up. For example, I use it primarily on my iPad using the Goodnotes app but sometimes I need to add something while on my phone so I open the Goodnotes app on my phone and am able to annotate from there and mark things off as well!
Want a paper copy? Sure! Once you’ve downloaded the digital pdf file to your device, you can choose to print it on a printer, at a copy shop, or even at your local library.
Once it’s printed, you can staple the pages together or put them into a binder for keeping track of everything easily and in an organized way.
Get the Trip Planner Printable
The Trip Planner Printable instant digital download is a comprehensive guide in pdf format to help you with your trip planning needs. Whether you’re vacation planning, going on a business trip, or enjoying a long weekend away, this is the trip planner you need!
From the first day of your trip to the last you’ll be able to keep track of everything you need to know including confirmation numbers, car rental information, important travel details, flight information, packing checklists, vacation itinerary template, and an overall detailed plan for your next trip!
Get excited for your next adventure and buy this trip planner today to plan every aspect of your trip!

As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.