a stay at home moms ideas when finally home alone text with a woman sitting on a couch behind the text

What an Overwhelmed Twin Mom Does when Finally Home Alone

It doesn’t happen often, but once in a while my husband takes our three young sons out for a few hours and this overwhelmed twin mom gets some time alone. Being a stay-at-home mom, I’m home with them all week, so having a few hours of time without the chaos is AMAZING.

Not gonna lie, part of me feels guilty for not going on these nature walks with them, but then I remember the heck they put me through all week…

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From Overwhelmed Twin Mom to Possibilities…

My husband taking the boys out for an adventure is becoming more common now that the Minnesota winter has finally left and Spring is finally warming up. Every time it happens, I find my twin mom self bursting with ideas of what I could do with my time, my head spinning.

One new obstacle is that we have decided to be a one-vehicle family now that my husband is permanently working from home so when they leave, I’m stranded. This was a recent decision so I think the first time this has happened, but something to keep in mind when I think about what I can be doing while they’re out.

I have my blog, so many various hobbies that I enjoy, it’s hard to choose!

First, I turn on the classical music, make some coffee, and then I get to brainstorming.

My Blog

  • I could finish the several partially written, unpublished posts for my blog
  • I could work on enhancing the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of my prior 35 or so blog posts I published before I started working on SEO.
  • I could start new blog posts.
  • I could brainstorm ideas for future blog posts.
  • I could continue working on the header of my blog as I’m still not totally happy with it.
  • I could redesign my blog as I’m not completely sure if I like how it’s laid out.
A blog post I wrote about how to get started with your own blog.
Legal Policies Required for your Blog
A blog post I wrote about legal policies required for your blog.
Top 7 ways to keep improving your blog
Top 7 Ways to Improve Your Blog


  • I could start on the painting I’ve been wanting to do of a purple background with a yellow and white flower.
  • I could watch some of the painting tutorials I’ve been meaning to watch regarding technique.
  • I could figure out how to best store all of my seasonal paintings that are currently in a closet.
How I started painting for fun and how you can too text with graphic of woman painting, flowers, and a butterfly
My blog post about how I got started painting


  • I could work on reading through one of the three books that I’m working on reading at the moment.
  • I could start listening to a new audiobook.
  • I could read the New York Times which I subscribed to digitally for just $1 a week!
Book review of To Have and To Hold Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma.
My Book Review of To Have and to Hold: Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma by Molly Millwood, PhD.
Audiobooks keep my brain active
My Blog Post About Audiobooks
The Book of Hope by Dr. Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams
My Book Review of The Book of Hope by Dr. Jane Goodall
Book Review of Open Book by Jessica Simpson with a bonus review of her essay Take the Lead
My Book Review of Open Book by Jessica Simpson

Cricut Maker

  • I could start working on the complex Father’s Day cards I’m hoping to make with my Cricut Maker.
  • I could work on making “Mama Preschool” shirts using my Cricut for my boys. (Dorky but sounds fun)
  • I could work on making more 3D adorable flowers with my Cricut though I’m not sure where to put them all.
How to get started with cricut surrounded by flowers made by a cricut and a cricut machine
My blog post about how to get started with Cricut
Using Cricut Print Then Cut for Potty Training Underwear text free tutorial photo of kids underwear and cricut maker
My Blog Post about using Print then Cut for Potty Training Underwear


  • I have three young sons, there is always housework to be done. I could be cleaning up their toys and vacuuming while they’re gone.
  • I could clean the tile in the shower for the millionth time in the past couple of weeks because for some reason it just won’t get clean.
  • I could clean all of the toilets in the house.
  • I could go through my capris now that it’s getting warmer out and figure out what fits and what doesn’t.
  • Though not physical housework, I could work on inputting new recipes to Plan to Eat and meal planning.
Easy Meal Planning with Plan to Eat graphics of food healthy and not healthy
My blog post about meal planning with Plan to Eat
My favorite natural cleaning products showing Norwex dusting mitt, envirocloth, window cloth, counter cloths in house, and kitchen cloth
A blog post about my favorite natural cleaning products


  • I could go for a nice long walk around the neighborhood.
  • I could go downstairs and be on the elliptical for a while.
  • I could use some home workout equipment.
how to find time to exercise with little kids around text and photo of mom and child exercising
How I find time to exercise even with young children
home workout equipment
My favorite products to get fit at home even in small spaces


  • I could call someone and see if they want to talk on the phone, I mean this rarely happens without screaming kids in the background so would be nice.
  • I could start chatting with a friend online.
  • As an introvert though, doing any social activities seems counterintuitive to using this time to recharge my introvert-self.


  • I could plant the Purple Coneflowers for the butterflies and the daffodil bulbs in the yard.
  • I could water the random patches of grass seed around the yard.
  • I could weedwhip the edges of the yard and around landscaping.


Journaling is one method of self-care that I tend to return to time after time. I created the Self Care Journal and Workbook to help me ensure I keep up with self-care practices.

This Self Care Journal and Workbook is the perfect tool to help you practice self-care and self-love. With over 30 pages, this journal and workbook will help you prevent burnout and maintain your wellness. It includes coloring mandalas, journaling pages, and activities to help you stay focused and motivated. Get your copy today and start taking care of yourself!

image 19
self care journal and workbook

Time Wasters

  • I could turn on the TV and watch something on Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon Prime Video.
  • While watching TV I could play the HayDay farming game or the Property Brothers game on my iPad.

What Did I Decide On?!

Well, I wrote his blog post and now I’m out of time… JUST KIDDING! I actually really enjoyed brainstorming all of this and this will help me in the future to skip this part and just have it all written out. I hope it may help others out as well! I had quite a nice time.

I have a window open so I can hear birds and the cat is quite happy for the fresh air. I made some coffee that I’m getting to drink hot for once, and I’m listening to classical music. I even got to use the bathroom by myself, which any parent knows is a rare occasion and something to be celebrated. I worked on writing this blog post, researching for another blog post, and writing it, I worked on SEO for a couple of other blog posts, and I worked on creating graphics, like the one below, for my blog posts. I also placed a Target Drive Up order for my husband to get on the way home and did some farming on my HayDay game. So I got some things accomplished AND took time for myself. Amazing what I can get done in just two or so hours when I can sit in one spot and focus.

I do plan on being outside with everyone this afternoon and planting flowers as well as doing some other yard work. For the record, I do accompany them on these long walks at parks sometimes, just not always. I figure they need some time with just my husband and I need some time with just myself…and the cat of course.

What do you do when you actually get the house to yourself for a few hours?!

What to do when home alone as a mom!

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As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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