Leaving the house with twins can be a daunting task, especially when you’re not sure what you need to pack in a diaper bag for twins. Below is everything we packed in a diaper bag for our twins and I never felt unprepared.
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Packing a Diaper Bag for Twins
When packing a diaper bag for twins it’s important to make sure that you don’t leave anything out yet also that you don’t bring your whole nursery.
Overall, you’ll need twice the amount of everything that a single child would need, though sometimes that doesn’t mean two of each thing.
Wipes, for example, you don’t need two packages of wipes, just one package that has enough in it to last for as long as you’re out of the house for two babies.
Best Diaper Bag for Twins
Before we get started with what to pack inside of the diaper bag for twins, if you need the best diaper bag for twins, I have a whole blog post for that! I actually used this diaper bag for twins PLUS my 2 year old and it worked well!
When packing diapers in a diaper bag, it’s best if you can have them in an easy to reach spot, their own pocket if possible. That’s because anything relating to the actual changing of a diaper can get messy real quick and you don’t want to have to dig around with possibly poopy hands and/or squirmy babies!
We love and use the Target Up & Up brand of diapers for our twins. They’re inexpensive since they’re a store brand and they work well.
When deciding how many diapers to pack, think about how often you typically change their diapers throughout the day.
For my twins, it seemed to be every 2 or so hours I’d be changing a diaper, granted, sometimes it was a lot more! Just to be safe, I tended to bring at least 2 extra diapers per child AND I had even more extras in the van. I really didn’t want to be short handed.
Always use unscented wipes for your twins as the fragrance can be irritating to their skin and cause internal issues as well.
We like the Target Up & Up Fragrance-Free wipes. Notice a trend of off-brand? When you’re buying everything in duplicate it’s great to not spend the extra money on name-brand if you don’t have to.
In terms of how many wipes to pack, I’d suggest a pack of wipes that’s at least half full. A blowout can happen at anytime, sometimes both kids at once, so it’s always good to be prepared.
Diaper Cream – If Needed
If your twins have a diaper rash or are prone to them, having a tube of diaper cream along doesn’t hurt. We hardly had to use diaper cream on our twins because we used unscented wipes and diapers so it wasn’t an issue, but it was still nice to have along just in case.
This is one of those things that you’d just need one of for both kids.
Diaper Changing Pad
It’s important to have something to change your twins’ diapers on when you’re on the go. One thing that we found to help a lot is having a small chuck underneath our twins when changing their diapers at home and on the go.
Click the image below to read my blog post with more information.
We’ve all been there, you just get somewhere and one of your twins has a HUGE blowout up their back. Ugh, so gross!!
Always have at least one pair of clothing for each twin in your diaper bag. Make sure that as the seasons change and their sizes change that you update what’s in the diaper bag.
I’ve been known to be a little behind on this and find clothing three sizes too small in the diaper bag plus the current size of clothing. You don’t want to carry around extra stuff if you don’t have to so don’t make that mistake.
If the forecast calls for rain or wind or it’s just a bit chilly, it never hurts to pack a light jacket for each child as well.
Plastic Bag or Diaper Bag Refills
It’s always a good idea to have some plastic bags with you for dirty diapers, and sometimes, dirty clothing. We always have an excess of plastic Target bags around the house so we stuff 6 or so in the diaper bag near the diapers so we’re able to get to them easily while changing a diaper or taking off soiled clothing.
You also can use the end of the roll of diaper bag refills. You know, once the refills get too short to make it worth it or able to put more diapers in within the Diaper Genie but enough that you could fit a few diapers in there.
The best thing about having some of the diaper bag refills with you is they keep the smell in better than a plastic store bag.
**NOTE!!! Be sure to take the bags with soiled diapers, wipes, and/or clothes out of the diaper bag when you get home!!! (You’re sleep deprived, I get it, that’s why I throw this in there.)
Teethers & Pacifiers
If your twins use pacifiers, make sure to have at least one extra with you. We always had them in a plastic bag so they don’t get all dirty in the diaper bag with everything else.
We also found that having a pacifier clip with a strap that would hook onto their car seat, stroller, or shirt worked really well for not having pacifiers fall on the floor and get all icky while we were out and about.
If your twins are teething or just like to gum things, you could do the same thing with a teether.
I have a couple notes when it comes to teethers:
- Sophie the Giraffe and any other squeezy toys that are called teethers are a breeding ground for mold. Don’t do it.
- Teethers that look like everyday things such as a remote are cute and funny but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you want them to chew on the real thing too.
We feel it’s important to have BPA free teethers, such as the ones below.
Small Toys
It’s always good to have things along for your twins to play with. Just because you’re enjoying being around other adults and talking, doesn’t mean they will. Having a couple of small balls, stuffed animals, blocks, and board books are great to have along and won’t take up too much room in the diaper bag. Rattles are great too, especially the ones below that can clip onto a stroller.
Note: by small, I don’t mean so small they’ll choke on them. Make sure they’re age appropriate in terms of if they’re under 3, only give them toys that are suited for kids under 3 and don’t have a choking warning on them.
At some point, you’re sure to be glad that you packed them. Be sure to pack two of each type of toy so there isn’t any fighting (hopefully).
If you’re outside, especially between the hours of 10am-2pm when the sun is it’s most dangerous, it’s important to have sunscreen for your twins.
I tend to plan things outside of those hours so we don’t have to worry as much about sunscreen but sometimes that isn’t doable.
Using a more natural sunscreen that is meant for babies or kids is ideal, and I’d stay away from the spray kind as it may get in their eyes and/or miss them completely if it’s windy.
We love the Goddess Garden brand but sadly seems they are being phased out on Amazon but may be able to be found elsewhere.
The Environmental Working Group, EWG, has a great website where they recommend safe sunscreens for babies and beyond, along with many other personal care products.
Burp Cloths / Bibs
If your twins are still spitting up a lot after eating or even if they’re onto eating solids but still messy, be sure to pack burp cloths and/or bibs for each of them!
Snacks & Water
If your twins are under the age of 6 months, you won’t need snacks for them but you likely will for yourself, as well as plenty of water.
If they are able to eat snacks and drink water, be sure to have plenty with. You don’t need the stress of hangry twins while you’re out!
Always be sure to pack snacks and water for yourself too!

As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.