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Book Review: Quiet by Susan Cain

Are you an introvert and looking for a book written specifically for you to help you harness your inner power? Then this book is for YOU! Here is my book review of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

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How ‘Quiet’ Speaks to Me

Recently someone suggested I read the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. I decided to listen to it via audiobook and found it to be so empowering for an introvert like me!

I’m an introvert, through and through. Even at the age of 35, I still struggle with feeling “less than” due to being such an introvert. I have actually thrived over the past year and a half in quarantine during the COVID pandemic, as I’m fine just being with my husband three little children. It’s given me time to find new introverted hobbies and expand on the hobbies I knew I already enjoyed but generally didn’t have any time for.

This book helped me realize that there isn’t something “wrong” with me, but rather, that I just need to figure out how to carve time out to be alone and recharge. This is hard to do as a stay-at-home mom of 3-year-old twins and a 5-year-old who is about to start online Kindergarten, but something I need to make sure I do at least once during the day with them.

Before being a stay-at-home mom I was a school psychologist and I was lucky enough to have my own office. I loved being able to work in my office, alone, on paperwork, working with a student 1:1, or with a small group of staff. I dreaded meetings with parents at the end of an evaluation, partially because they drained me. I never realized how necessary that closed-door office was for me until now.

I love how she mentioned that those who are introverts tend to start blogs because I started one just last year. As an only child and an introvert, I’ve always loved writing. As a teen, I wrote a book and separately, over 1,000 poems. It’s great to be writing again but in a different way.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who is an introvert, who wants to understand introverts and the power they hold, teachers, parents, etc. Really it’d be good for anyone to read or listen to. The world really was created for extroverts and it’s something that introverts struggle with daily, whether they consciously know it or not. 

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
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Book review of Quiet by Susan Cain

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As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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