Best diaper bag for twins

Best Diaper Backpack for Twins Plus Diaper Essentials

Are you looking for the best diaper backpack for twins? Maybe even the best diapers, wipes, and other diaper changing needs for twins? I’ve got you covered! Here are my tips for changing diapers for twins and the best diaper backpack for twins!

As a parent of twins, you know twin diaper changes are similar to those for a single child, except there are twice the diapers, twice the wiggly babies, and twice the butts to clean! You need a backpack diaper bag with plenty of space, stroller hooks, a safe place for your small items such as your phone and wallet, as well as room for baby bottles and more!

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First, Create an Amazon Baby Registry!

Before you go further, if you haven’t yet, create a baby registry on Amazon first. That way, as you’re going through this post and others, you can easily just add things to your registry that you’d like with the click of a button!

how and why to create an amazon baby registry
How and Why to Create an Amazon Baby Registry

Best Diaper Backpack for Twins

A tip for you right off the bat, just because you’re having twins doesn’t mean you need two diaper bags. Here I’ll tell you all about the backpack-style diaper bag that is the best diaper backpack for parents of twins. 

We even used this backpack diaper bag for our twins plus our older singleton.

First we had a single child and then twins. With our single child we had a regular diaper bag with one strap.

It worked. 

However, with twins, we needed extra space, plenty of pockets, and it had to be a backpack diaper bag. The backpack shoulder straps were essential because often I’d be holding one or both twins and chasing my toddler. I couldn’t be weighed down on one side by an over the shoulder bag, I needed to be able to use both adjustable straps.

The Skip Hop diaper backpack has served us well from when we had two newborns plus a 2 year old until the present time with our oldest being 8 and our twins being 6 years old. This backpack diaper bag has enough room for so much stuff with easy access interior and exterior pockets, side pockets, and so much more. 

There is so much room in this diaper backpack and so many features:

  • Lightweight yet sturdy material
  • Two exterior pockets for water bottles on the outside of the backpack diaper bag
  • Front zipper pockets including a small zippered pocket in the very front which is great for your keys, wallet, phone, and other small items. 
  • An insulated pocket that can hold two bottles plus a small icepack. This insulated bottle pocket is removable!
  • Another removable zippered pouch that you can put other necessities in, whether yours or the babies’. 
  • The large zippered section of the Skip Hop backpack diaper bag is where you can put extra clothes, diapers, wipes, toys, books, whatever you need.
  • Portable Changing Pad included and is even stored in the changing pad pocket away from other items to keep it from getting in the way and keep things clean. The changing pad pocket can double as a laptop pocket as it’s big enough to hold a 15″ laptop!
  • Inside of the large main compartment of the backpack diaper bag there are elasticized bottle pockets where you can keep extra bottles or other items that you want to keep organized. I often used those for diapers and wipes.
  • There are also stroller clips on the padded straps so you can attach the backpack diaper bag to a stroller.
  • There are so many zippered pockets on this twin diaper bag you’ll find places for everything!

The Skip Hop backpack diaper bag has over 2,000 ratings, mainly with 5 star reviews for an overall score of 4.8 at the time of this blog post. With the large capacity, included changing pad, stroller straps, different pockets, and overall design, I truly think this is the best twin diaper bag around!

What to Pack in a Diaper Bag for Twins

Wondering what to pack in your brand new diaper backpack for twins? Click the image below to read my blog post all about What to Pack in a Diaper Bag for Twins!

What to Pack in a Diaper Bag for Twins

Below I’ll go into more diaper essentials but the What to Pack in a Diaper Bag for Twins will tell you what to include in your twin diaper bag.

Diapering Essentials

Off-Brand Diapers

Honestly, you don’t need the name brand diapers. The off-brand ones will do just fine. We used the Target Up & Up diapers and wipes for all 3 of our boys. I’m so glad that we did since for a while we had 3 kids in diapers at once!

Target’s Up and Up diapers are not only less expensive than name brand diapers but they also are better on baby’s skin. They are unscented, don’t have any chlorine in them, free of parabens, sulfates, petroleum, and dyes.

No matter what type of diaper you choose, if baby starts leaking through, try the next size up which will often solve the problem.

Overnight diapers ARE worth it. At first we didn’t think so but they really are. They are more absorbent and do last the night. Think about it this way, it’s like having an overnight pad when you have your period instead of just having a daytime thin pad. Might cost a little more per diaper or pad, but it’s worth it.

Our Money Saving Diaper Strategy for Twins

We always stocked up on diapers and wipes whenever Target would have their buy $100 of diapers and wipes and get a $20 gift card, or promotions of that type. We knew we’d use them and with having 3 kids in diapers at once, it was needed! Be careful when you’re doing this that you are quite certain of the sizes. From what I remember, the newborn and size 1 diapers get grown out of pretty quickly, whereas the size 2 diapers seemed to fit for quite a while. Same with the size 4 diapers, we seemed to have those for quite a while as well.

ALSO always get the biggest package that you can store and afford. As you’ll notice if you analyze the price per diaper, the bigger the package of diapers, the less each diaper costs.


Be sure to get unscented wipes, especially for little girls but really you always should. Adding a scent to their nether regions will only irritate down there, be more likely to result in diaper rash, and for girls possible yeast infections. I honestly don’t know why there are still scented wipes.

We like the Target Up & Up Fragrance-Free wipes. They aren’t as chemical-free as ones such as Water Wipes that we started using with our first child, but they don’t have as much crud in them as name brand wipes.

Honestly, with these wipes and the above diapers, our kids rarely needed any butt cream. They just didn’t end up irritated down there because we changed them often (at least every 2-3 hours and right away after they pooped), and there weren’t extra chemicals eating away at their delicate skin.

Like the diapers above, we tended to stock up on these when Target had their diapers and wipes cash back or gift card promotions. We also would buy the biggest pack available because we had a pack of wipes in each child’s room, a pack or two on the main floor where we changed diapers, and wanted a lot of back ups!

Diaper Cream, if they need it

As I mentioned above, our kids rarely needed diaper cream. We always did have a tube on hand just in case though. We used the Seventh Generation Diaper Cream but apparently that is no longer available anymore.

So I looked at what is recommended by the Environmental Working Group (EWG)‘s diaper cream ratings on Skin Deep to see which one I’d use if I had a baby now.

Based on the EWG results, ratings, and reviews I’ve read, I recommend the Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Fragrance Free Diaper Cream. Remember, just like everything else, it should NOT have a fragrance, this is important no matter what type of diaper cream you get.

Babo Botanicals is EWG certified, which isn’t easy to attain, and they are free of all the most harmful ingredients including sulfates, parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, and many others as detailed in the below photo.

Diaper Changing Basket

Especially with twins, especially if you live in a house with more than one level, you’re going to want a diaper changing basket for the main area in which you are during the day. For us, that was the living room.

We had a basket that had space for several diapers that would last us a couple days, a package of wipes, diaper cream for the very rare occasions we needed it, and some mats for me to change their diapers on. More on that in the blog post linked here.

This isn’t the exact one we had but that was a find at a garage sale that I can’t seem to find online now so instead I’ll go with one I would have picked had I gotten a new one.

Note: this comes in regular and large. You’re having twins. Go large on everything, regular is not for you. Lol

Diaper Genie

I recommend having a Diaper Genie on every level of your home. Yes, it seems excessive, and yes we had 4 in total because we had one on the main floor where we spend most of our time and one in each kids’ bedroom.

It seems like a lot but it makes life so much better not having to walk far to get rid of a stinky diaper and especially as far as their rooms, not needing to leave a gross diaper on the changing table where it might get kicked by baby or deciding to leave baby on said changing table to dispose of the diaper. Neither one of those options are a good idea and the second one is NOT safe, babies should never be left unattended on the changing table.

Therefore, we had a lot of Diaper Genies. We got one for our first child and it worked so well we got more when the twins arrived.

The magic of these things is that your whole house doesn’t smell like poop. Which, I have to admit, is appealing to not have a home smelling of poop. Between the actual container, the fact that it closes not only the lid but also an inner mechanism that closes after you put the diaper in, plus the ultra strong bags that lock in smells, these are amazing. The one linked below even has a step activated lid so you don’t have to bend down to open it! (It’s the little things)

Off-Brand Diaper Pail Refills

While I do recommend the name brand Diaper Genie for the actual bin for diapers, for the cost savings I recommend getting off-brand Diaper Pail refills from Amazon.

We always got these when we had our Diaper Genies. Again, buying in bulk costs less per item as long as you have the money to spend and the space to store it.

Tip!: Each one of these is basically a LONG tube/bag that you’ll be able to cut many times with the safe yet sharp edge inside of the Diaper Genie. Sometimes at the end of the refill there isn’t enough of the bag left to go for even another several diapers so it may be tempting to throw that out. DON’T! Put the tiny bag in your diaper bag to bring along for on the go changes with dirty diapers! You’ll thank me, really.

Want to do Less Laundry?

Want to do less laundry? Check out my Simple Tip to Significantly Improve Diaper Changes blog post below!

improve diaper changes

The Best Diaper Bag for Twins

Founder, Professional Blogger at  | [email protected] | Website

As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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