best breast pump for twins

The Best Breast Pump for Twins for Exclusively Pumping

Are you expecting twins and looking for the best breast pump for twins? Whether you’re exclusively pumping or just wanting to build your milk supply, this post will help you make your decision on the best breast pump for you. 

I had to exclusively pump for my twins due to their tongue and lip ties which I discuss more in another blog post.

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​Best Breast Pump for Twins Considerations

When deciding which is the best breast pump for twins there are many considerations that come into play. Often a new twin mom needs a breast pump for her premature infants to ensure they get the milk they need in those early stages. 

A double breast pump that is a wearable breast pump, or at least ones that are able to be modified to be worn, are ideal and often recommended by a lactation consultant for milk production for your twins.

An electric breast pump is more convenient and quicker than a manual pump. A double breast pump will increase your chances to produce enough breast milk since when one breast releases milk, the other is likely to as well. 

While at the hospital you’ll likely be able to try out a hospital-grade breast pump which will help start your breast milk supply in the start of your breastfeeding journey. Insurance typically covers a pump for home use, such as a Medela or Spectra pump. 

Things you’ll want to consider when choosing a breast pump:

  • A Double Electric Breast Pump is ideal 
  • Suction Strength
  • Expression Modes
  • Whether they can be made wearable
  • Whether they have a rechargeable battery
Using the best breastpump for twins for exclusively pumping

Hospital Grade Breast Pump

The hospital grade breast pump you’ll be able to use after delivering your twins is typically the Medela Symphony. It’s a high powered pump and a closed unit so it’s safe for it to be used by multiple moms. It is a  double electric pump that is perfect for the early days of trying to make enough milk for twins! 

Insurance typically covers the use of the Medela Symphony while you’re in the hospital but once you’re released from the hospital, you’ll need to check your insurance coverage. For us, one of our twins was in the NICU so I was able to use the hospital grade breast pump for a month at home without charge. By then, my milk had come in well so I didn’t feel the need to spend the $80 a month it would have cost to rent it at that time. Again, check your insurance coverage to see what your cost would be.

Even though as you’ll see below, I like the Medela Pump in Style and used it a lot, I did go back to the hospital grade breast pump, Medela Symphony, for a few months when a friend had one I could use and I was having trouble with my supply.

In my experience, the Medela Symphony Hospital Grade pump is the best breast pump for twins.

If you’re able to afford renting it and worried about making enough milk for your twins, I’d suggest the Medela Symphony hospital grade breast pump, at least for the first few months, if not longer.

Medela Symphony Breast Pump Hospital Grade Single or Double Electric Pumping Efficient and Comfortable
List Price: $ 2,102.61 You Save: $ 302.62 (-14%)  Price: $ 1,799.99 Buy now at Amazon

Spectra S Breast Pumps

After I had my twins and talked with a lactation consultant about which pumps were covered under my insurance and they recommended I try Spectra pumps because most women really liked them. I trusted that advice and figured I’d give it a try. 

I wish I wouldn’t have.

While it was convenient that the Spectra S1 that I had was able to use a rechargeable battery so I wasn’t always tethered to the wall with it, my body did not react well to it. 

When I switched from the Hospital Grade Breast Pump to the Spectra, a pumping session took twice as long and started getting more clogs. Especially with twin newborns and a toddler, neither of those things were ideal. 

I kept trying though as everyone said that Spectra S1 was where it’s at. After just a few weeks of using the Spectra S1 it died on me. Completely died, there was no reviving it.

​I only had  a couple of hours until I had to pump again or my twins would be hungry and my breasts would be full and get even more clogs. I contacted the company but no response.

In my desperation, I headed to Target and bought the Medela Pump in Style that I had used with my first child, that I should have gotten in the first place. 

A week later, I finally got the replacement Spectra S1 but I honestly never even opened it because it didn’t work well for me. The Spectra S1 didn’t fully empty me, it led to clogs, it took twice as long to get the amount of breast milk my twins needed, and it was unreliable. 

Granted, maybe I had a faulty unit the first time but I just didn’t trust it.

Others really like the Spectra pumps but I’ll always stick with the Medela brand after my experience.

Medela Pump In Style

With my first child, I used the Medela Pump In Style to pump while I was at work and he was at daycare. It was simple to use, it worked well for the first year until I became a stay-at-home mom. When I had my twins, I should have gotten a new one through insurance but instead I got the Spectra, as I mentioned above. Instead, I paid out of pocket for a new Medela Pump In Style from Target because I needed it ASAP. 

​I did try to use the one that I had from my first child but it just didn’t seem to work as well, I think it’s because I had used it so much with him and because it was a couple years old by then. 

The new one I got from Target though, that was amazing and the right pump for me.

With the Medela Pump in Style, I was able to use a Medela hands-free pumping bra that held the breast shields in place while I pumped. I have to say, they have updated the Medela Pump in Style since I had my twins and from what I’ve read, it’s even better than before!

The Medela Pump In Style has a battery pack so you no longer have to be plugged into the wall which is so helpful, especially with twins!

I often would be feeding my twins the bottle of milk that I had pumped hours prior while pumping their next meal, so being able to not be plugged into the wall would have been great!

Hands-Free Breast Pump

There are many native hands-free pumps or wearable pumps out there but from what I’ve heard, they don’t have the power that you need as a mom of twins to get as much milk out as your babies need. With all of the breast pumps listed above you can use them as hands-free pumps if you buy a simple pumping bra that will hold the breast shields in place. 

Then you get the suction strength you need while also being hands-free to tend to your babies or heck, browse on your phone while you try to relax enough to produce as much milk as your twins need!

Best Breast Pump Accessories

As I mentioned earlier, having a Medela hands-free pumping bra an amazing accessory to have to help make pumping a little bit easier. 

It’s always best to have an extra set of flanges and connectors in case yours wear out or fall on the floor and you can’t wash them right away or whatever.

If you’re on the go with your twins, it’s helpful to have a cooler bag that is big enough to fit empty bottles, full bottles, an ice pack, and your pump parts. I go more into this in my blog post about breastfeeding and pumping

It’s always a good idea to have a manual pump on hand just in case you’re in a bind. What if the power goes out or your pump dies?

More Pumping for Twins Information

Head over to my blog post all about breastfeeding and pumping where you’ll learn how to reduce clogs, increase milk production, and store pump parts between pumping sessions.

what I learned from breastfeeding and pumping that will help you today text overlay over a woman breastfeeding

The Best Breast Pump for Twins

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As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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