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How The Way it Really Is Came to Be

I’ve been wanting to write a blog for years but it wasn’t until the fall of 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, when amidst the chaos the name finally came to me, “The Way it Really Is.” That name fits perfectly with what I wanted to write about, the way mom life really is. Not the fluffy, everything is perfect, we are all so happy crap that is everywhere else, which is a total joke.

Let’s be real here, being a mom isn’t easy. Being a parent in general isn’t easy. Being a parent of twins?! It’s chaos! Being a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of 3 boys within 2 years of each other…well…that’s my life and I’m really, really, really working on patience.

But I’m not perfect. In fact, I’m far from it. I have A LOT of flaws and I’m not a perfect parent at all. I get mad sometimes. At times I yell and say things I regret later. Most of us do.

I feel it’s important that we are open and honest with each other that life is extremely hard, no matter the circumstances. I’ve honestly never met anyone who has said, “yes, my life is perfect, I love it and I’m always happy.” It’s just not a thing! Yet that’s all we tend to see on social media which makes the rest of us, non-perfect people, feel like we must be broken because our lives aren’t perfect.

Let me tell you something, YOU’RE NOT BROKEN! Their lives AREN’T actually perfect. We all struggle, we all have difficulties, and we all have no idea how difficult each other’s lives are because we haven’t been in their shoes.

All that to say, that’s why I felt The Way it Really Is would be the perfect name for my blog because that’s how I tell things, the way they really are.

I hope that my honesty helps you on your journey, no matter how perfect or imperfect you may be.

A Little About Me

I’ve always wanted to help people, which is what I aim to do through my blog through sharing my experiences, research, and honesty.

I started writing for pleasure when I was in 2nd grade and haven’t stopped since. There is just something special about getting my ideas out of my head and on paper (or a computer screen). As a teenager struggling through depression, I poured my heart out in over 1,000 poems.

I joke that I’m an overeducated stay-at-home mom since I have a Master’s Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology. I worked hard for those degrees and worked as a school psychologist for 7 years. I was completely immersed in my career and loved it…until I didn’t.

In 2017 I left my career as a school psychologist to stay home with my then 1-year-old. Less than a year later we were trying for another child and I got pregnant with identical twin boys. For a while, I had the designation of being a mom of 3 boys 2 and under. 

This blog covers a multitude of topics including motherhood, having identical twins, pregnancy, autoimmune disease, and finding time for yourself amidst the chaos. I will also include tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way as well as recommendations for products I’ve found to be beneficial.

photo of the way it really is family in front of their home
Our Family
Nicole from The Way it Really Is. Nicole laying on stomach, working on my blog with coffee thermos in the foreground.
Photo taken by my lovely husband
Me holding my coffee thermos

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Featured On

Featured In Voyage Minnesota Magazine
Featured In Four Columns of a Balanced Life: Having Twins, What Do I Need?
Featured in Canvas Rebel
Featured In All Modern Mommy
Featured in All About Twins - What to Eat when Pregnant with Twins
Featured In Plan to Eat Podcast: Episode 22 Interview with Nicole Prom on Hashimoto's and AIP.
Featured In Holistic Hormone Healing Podcast by Eleanor Duelley
Featured in Techie Mama
The Way it Really Is was featured on blog
Featured In Bold Journey
My article in Authority Magazine part of
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As a mom of identical twins and a son two years older, I have gained invaluable experience in the realm, and chaos, of parenting. With a Master's Degree and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, I spent years as a school psychologist, helping children navigate through their educational and emotional challenges. Now as a stay at home mom and professional blogger, I combine my areas of expertise to help you in your parenting journey.

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