Category: Homeschooling Twins
Homeschooling twins can be so rewarding yet full of unique challenges. I’ll help you through them here.
Are you looking for deals on school supplies for at home or at school? I've found some great deals that are great for back to school as well as …
Students of all ages need electronics when going back to school, whether at home or in the classroom. Here are some of the essentials many students need including electronics …
Feeling overwhelmed thinking about Christmas planning? The Printable Christmas Planner and Activity Bundle is here to help! It includes everything from planning for gifts to having guests over to To-Do lists, …
The chore calendar printable is more than just a chore calendar, it includes chore charts, responsibility charts, and more! The family chore chart will help younger kids and older kids alike with remembering which household chores they need to do …
Prime Day is a great time to shop for back to school supplies! Here are some of the best Prime Day Back to School Supplies Deals there are!
Are you looking for a student planner that will help you stay organized all school year and has everything you need? The digital school year planner can be used …
Are you looking for a printable ADHD Planner that will help you stay organized? I created this one to help my son with ADHD and I think it'll help …
Curious what a schedule for homeschool looks like? Our schedule for homeschool includes direct teaching, online activities, video calls, experiments and more! This homeschool schedule is just an example …
Learn the best way to dry kids' arts and crafts projects with one simple tip. As a twin mom, I understand the joy (and mess!) that comes with having …
Teaching from home, I realized my kids could benefit from hearing more than just my voice all day. I found I could make playlists on YouTube of educational material …