Category: Food Allergies & Sensitivities
Food allergies and sensitivities appear to be on the rise these days and I want to share my experiences and tips to deal with them. My eldest son was diagnosed with food allergies and sensitivities when he was a mere 19 months old. I also have food sensitivities that came to light in my late 20s. We also suspect at least one of our twins has food sensitivities. It’s interesting living in a household where some of us have food allergies and sensitivities and others, like my husband, do not. It takes a lot of work and planning to feed everyone safely.
Are there food allergies in your house and you're not sure where to buy gluten free foods? Here are some of our favorite places to buy gluten free foods …
Do you have a child who needs a quick breakfast but with food allergies that can be difficult to find? I've started to make a batch of gluten free …
Food sensitivity testing is important when it comes to overall health for kids and adults. It's amazing how much a food sensitivity can wreak havoc on one's body without …
Anyone who has food allergies or sensitivities or has children with them, know how complicated even simple meals can become. Something "simple" like chicken nuggets and fries, become complicated …
Having a child with food allergies can be scary and a huge change in lifestyle. Simple things like going out to eat, having sleepovers, attending family gatherings, are all …
When it comes to eczema in children, it's important to look deeper than using creams. Did you know that food allergies and eczema often go hand-in-hand? I found that …